"The NCS Autumn Trip A Great Success"

Blackpool FC Community Trust recently delivered a highly successful two weeks NCS programme.

Blackpool FC Community Trust run the NCS programme, which is a government scheme for 16 and 17 year-olds across the country. NCS helps young people become more confident and become valued members of the community.

We ran the NCS Autumn programme from Tuesday 4th October through to Friday 14th October. We had 22 people aged 16 and 17 enrol on to the Autumn NCS programme for the two weeks. The participants spent the first three nights in Scotland doing Outdoor activities. Outdoor activities consisted of climbing, zip wire, high ropes, abseiling, canoeing, raft building and many more teamwork/leadership activities.

The NCS participants then returned for the rest of the course at the football club where they had a Positive Mindset workshop, 1st aid from St John’s Ambulance and Wasted Lives (driving safety awareness) from Lancashire Fire Service.

They were introduced to local charities and began to look at creating a Social Action Project. In their teams they are doing a beach clean and some fundraising projects to raise money for their selected charity, this will be completed in the next few weeks.

Once they have completed their projects they will receive their NCS Certificate, signed by the Prime Minister, at a graduation ceremony with their family and friends.

As NCS Graduates, they will be able to continue their journey in BFC Community Trust’s Graduate Programme, where they can continue their volunteering in the community and potentially progress as volunteers on the courses which may lead to becoming paid members of staff further down the line.

Social Inclusion Officer, Chris Smith who delivered the NCS Autumn programme with fellow Social Inclusion Officer, Dave Marsland, was delighted with NCS Autumn programme and deemed it a great success. Chris said, “The young people from Blackpool & fylde college have challenged themselves during phase 1 where they took part in outdoor activities such as climbing, abseiling, high ropes, and canoeing. They have tested themselves and discovered they can do things they didn’t think they could do. They have also carried this on into phase 2 where they have learnt new skills in 1st aid, Wasted Lives and Positive mindset workshops. In Phase 3 they have looked at local charities and have developed Social Action projects to benefit the community, these include a beach clean and sponsored events to raise money for their chosen charity.”

For more information on the NCS programme call Chris or Dave on 01253 348691