NCS is a flagship initiative supporting the government’s vision for building the ‘Big Society’. The project is facilitating the development of a more responsible society by supporting the transition into adulthood for young people. The scheme enables young people to attend residential team building trips as well as the opportunity to work together to create and carry out a social action projects in their local communities.
The Scheme aims to give the teenagers essential life skills as well as providing challenging and exciting life opportunities.
Last year 210 participants completed the Blackpool FC Community Trust NCS programme contributing 6300 voluntary hours to local community initiatives. The programme builds on the success of previous years and continues to grow.
NCS is a great opportunity that enables 16/17 year olds to make a positive difference to their community it also has a positive impact on young people’s lives and great for their C.V.
We are now recruiting 16/17 year olds for 2015!
Four cohorts will be taken before August 2015. One three night residential, taking place during Easter half term for year 12’s with a two week community project. One taking place in February, and two longer courses consisting of two, four night residential and a community project, through four weeks in the summer all for year 11s and 12s.
To register your interest, all you need to do it call Blackpool FC Community Trust on 01253 348691.