Kickstart Programme Launches

Blackpool FC Community Trust has launched its innovative Kickstart programme.

Kickstart is a 15 week education programme and is delivered three times a week. The aim of Kickstart is to get those enrolled on to the programme, back into education and/or employment.

The first Kickstart session saw the participants get involved in classroom based activities followed by high ropes activity at Stanley Park, Blackpool. Kickstart launch 3

Kickstart will see the participants do a variety of courses including Sports Leaders Award, First Aid at Work and NCFE Level 2 in employability. The learners will gain accredited qualifications and enhance their CV and employability status.

Senior Employability Officer for the Trust, Rick Bryan believes Kickstart will be the important catalyst for the learners to get their confidence back and get into employment. Rick said, “It’s been a fantastic start. We have had a great response to the Kickstart programme – with 19 young people enrolling on to the programme. We are keen to take up this opportunity in order to progress the learners into employment and/or further education”. Kickstart launch 2

For more information on Kickstart, call us on 01253 348691.