We regularly share amazing stories about the impact our free Fit Blackpool weight management programme has on people who have taken part. Thanks to support from EFL Trust, we commenced our first cohort of Fit Blackpool over four years ago. Since then our community health and wellbeing opportunities have expanded to daytime sessions in addition to the evening stadium based sessions.
As part of EFL Week of Action, we have reflected on earlier cohorts of the programme.
Read Kelvin’s Story:
I participated in the FIT Blackpool programme in Summer 2018. I saw the programme advertised and hoped it would provide me with the motivation I wanted and needed to lose weight and to get fitter.
The programme provided me with knowledge and education around how to lead a healthier lifestyle through food and drink and each week built on increasing exercise regime. All exercises were things that could be done at home with little or no equipment meaning that I could continue them in between the weekly sessions. The programme leaders were always very encouraging and supportive ensuring that there was a good variety of activities to suit everybody and adapted anything if people were unable to manage something through injury or illness.
On my journey through the 12-week programme I lost 22kg and felt so much more confident in myself.
Even though I graduated from the programme nearly four years ago the tools I learnt meant that I could maintain what I was doing even when the programme finished. I continue to have all the things I enjoy but I don’t feel the need to binge, I have everything but in moderation.
I am still attending the weekly maintenance sessions (Keep Fit) held at the stadium for those that have taken part in the programme as this gives me a set time in my diary to exercise so that it doesn’t get lost in the busyness of life.
Following the programme, I continued with the small changes I made and eventually they became my new norm, and it definitely created a healthier lifestyle for me. Through losing the weight and increasing my fitness levels I now have so much more energy for playing with the grandkids and don’t get out of breath so easily!
If you would like more information about Fit Blackpool please email: fitfans@bfcct.co.uk