Jen Crofts, our PSHE Manager has been nominated as a ’Community Star’ as recognition for the volunteer work she performed over the outbreak of Covid 19 and subsequent National Lockdown. Blackpool FC Community Trust offered our facilities to Blackpool Council to open one of twelve community hubs to support our local residents in the Bloomfield area, that had to socially isolate for the twelve-week period.
Jen volunteered to take on the coordination of the ‘Trust Hub’ and ensured residents requests were met, food parcels were sorted, packed and delivered by Blackpool FC Community Trust staff on a weekly basis. As well as organising food parcels Jen took daily calls from local residents who were worried, scared and left isolated from their normal social circles. These conversations were shared with local authority to ensure extra support was sent out to the individuals to help them through the unprecedented circumstances.
Jen’s management of the ‘Trust Hub’ saw 520 food parcels and 100s of activity packs delivered, coinciding with face to face visits and welfare checks being made at the same time as part of Blackpool Corona Kindness campaign.