Blackpool FC Community Trust joined in the fun with World Book Day.
World Book Day is a charity event held annually in the United Kingdom and on the first Thursday in March. World Book Day aims to promote reading which the Trust push as part of our Reading The Game programme. Reading The Game aims to increase enjoyment, confidence levels and frequency of primary school and high school pupils’ reading and writing.

Enterprise Officer Reading and Literacy Officer, Jack Shields, who delivers Reading The Game, was at Unity Academy, where the pupils engaged in activities as part of World Book Day. Jack said, “World Book Day is a fantastic opportunity to get students reading their favourite books. Blackpool FC Community Trust delivers Reading The Game across numerous schools in Blackpool and we want more students to not only read more but to enjoy it too.”
Reading The Game is delivered across an initial six-week period to specifically targeted disengaged pupils. All sessions are designed to incorporate important elements of the National Curriculum and give lagging pupils the boost they need to continue along the right path with their education.
Blackpool FC goalkeeper Sam Slocombe was also supporting World Book Day with Blackpool FC Community Trust. Sam Slocombe said, “It’s important children continue to read books and World Book Day is a fantastic opportunity to promote this.”
For more information on Reading The Game, call us on 01253 348691.