Blackpool FC Community Trust treated its Extra Time participants to a special Christmas meal at Rowley’s Bistro yesterday afternoon.
The Extra Time programme is for over 55s with sessions taking place every Monday afternoon, 1-3pm, at the Seasiders Bar at Blackpool Football Club. The programme is an excellent opportunity for the participants to make friends and keep active.
The group is needs led and participants have an input on the activities they would like to be available during the sessions. Afternoons can include chair based exercise, dominoes, quizzes, trips, country themed afternoons, or simply coffee and a chat.
Senior Sports Participation Officer, Michael Brown hopes the participants enjoyed their day and meal. Michael said, “Our Extra Time sessions are delivered every Monday and it’s great to see the participants have a Christmas meal and relax. It’s another great opportunity for them to meet up and keep socially interacted.”
Extra Time participant Margaret Unwin praised the impact Extra Time has had on her life. Margaret said, “It’s been a special day. I’ve been coming to these sessions for a few years and it’s a fantastic opportunity to make friends. The Christmas meal was delicious and it was brilliant to spend the day with Blackpool FC Community Trust and my friends at Extra Time.”
For more information on Extra Time, please visit