GULP Challenge
Following on from the success of the last two years we are happy to let you know that the Fit2Go Team will be launching the GULP Challenge 2019 w/c 23rd April. The GULP Challenge is a fantastic free health initiative provided by Blackpool Council and delivered by our Fit2Go Team.
GULP (Give Up Loving Pop) is a challenge aimed at encouraging children to make healthy changes to their drinking habits by keeping a log in their GULP diaries.
Each school will have more information about the challenge. The class with the most pop free days will receive a complementary trip to Blackpool High Ropes at Stanley Park. The GULP Challenge will be offered to ALL Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6 classes across Blackpool.
Joseph Dodoo, our Health Ambassador, endorses the campaign along with the rest of the squad.
Joseph said, “This is a great idea to teach children about the importance of healthy choices in their diet. Good luck to all the children who are taking part”.