Impact Reviews

Impact Review


The 2023/2024 season was a year focused on collaboration for us at Blackpool FC Community Trust. We aimed to find partners to strengthen our provision and enhance our offerings to local people. As you read this document, you will see many examples of how we have put this into practice.

This document showcases the great work our team does with endless effort and enthusiasm to support our town and make Blackpool FC a beacon of positivity for local people. The statistics and case studies included highlight the impact the team has and the value the work brings to the town.

Our 2023/24 impact review can be found here or you can download it here 

Impact Review

2022 - 2023

Our 2022/23 Impact Review showcases the challenging yet successful journey we had last season. Despite the backdrop of a cost-of-living crisis, the lingering effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, and operating in one of the most underprivileged towns in the country, we remained committed to providing support that actually improves the lives of local residents.

Our 2022/23 impact review can be found here.


Impact Review


It is with great pride that we introduce you to our 2021 Impact Review.

Hopefully, this document will give you a thorough understanding of the great work that the Blackpool FC Community Trust team have delivered over the past year.

We are really proud to have introduced a number of new provisions, whilst sustaining all of the work we did in 2020.

This document should give you an understanding of all the work we do and also demonstrate the impact of all the dedication and willingness of the team to go over and above to support our Community

Please take the time to read our case studies, from a host of our participants, which bring to life the work we do.

If you would like to know how you, your family or an organisation can link with us, please do not hesitate to get in touch.

Our 2021 impact review can be found here


Our 2020 Highlights

2020 has certainly been a year like no other, with national lockdowns and COVID-19 taking the greatest focus of the year. Blackpool FC Community Trust have had to refocus, refresh and understand how our provisions can continue to support our community and also continue to exist and evolve.

Click here to view Our 2020 Highlights

You may need Adobe Reader to view the brochure which can be found here.

Our 2019 Highlights

“This past year has been record breaking for us, with further increases in income, staff, participants, sessions delivered and visits to our sessions over the twelve month period and we are very proud of our achievements.”

Ashley Hackett, Chief Executive Officer, Blackpool FC Community Trust.

Click here to download Our 2019 Highlights booklet.

You may need Adobe Reader to view the brochure which can be found here.


2017-18 Impact Review

“It has been another very successful year for Blackpool FC Community Trust, our most successful to date, with more projects being delivered, more local people involved and a lot more awareness of the good work our team do.” 

Ashley Hackett, Chief Executive Officer, Blackpool FC Community Trust.

It’s been a fantastic 2018 for Blackpool FC Community Trust. Read all about it – 2017-18 Impact Review

You may need Adobe Reader to view the brochure which can be found here.