Blackpool FC Community Trust are currently running their ninth cohort of trainees. This programme is set up for young people, 16 -24 year olds, who are Not in Education, Employment or Training (NEET). They are ready to work but need an extra boost of confidence, experience, qualifications and work readiness preparation.
There are 17 young people currently on this programme and all are in the process of completing Maths and English functional skills, First Aid at Work, Level 1 Health and Safety and two days a week in a work placement of their choice, which will last the 12 week duration of the programme.
The employability programme would not be as successful if it wasn’t for the quality of placement providers. The placements give trainees an insight, as well knowledge, into areas they might like to pursue as a career. Not only does this work experience enhance their CV, but it also boosts their confidence, offers support and research to help trainees apply for jobs, apprenticeships and even back into further education.
The programme offers a wide and diverse range of placements and this current cohort of trainees are gaining excellent experience working in: Blackpool Victoria Hospital (Clinical), Warren Manor (Respite care), construction (CSCS card), Timpson’s (Retail), Blackpool FC Community Trust (Coaching), Links, Signs & Graphics (Graphic design ), Aspired Futures (Child Care), Young Steps (Nursery Care) and Curry’s (Electrical retail).
Blackpool FC Community Trust works with 36 different companies and organisations which helps make this programme interesting, engaging and have successful and positive outcomes in employment.
Two current trainees said:
Zack, 22 years old, chose to work in construction,“I am loving my placement, learning some good skills in brick laying, rendering, plastering and tiling, these plus my CSCS card will hopefully get me a job on a building site”.
Chelsea ,16 years old, is working on the wards at Blackpool Victoria Hospital,“It was all a bit overwhelming to start with but with the support from staff on the ward and my course tutor I am starting to enjoy my placement. I didn’t realise how hard this type of work was, but it hasn’t put me off and I am going to look for an apprenticeship in this area”.