The Benefits of Walking Football

Blackpool FC Community Trust has been delivering Walking Football sessions to the local community for over eight years and has seen great success.

Walking Football is designed to help people over the age of 50 rekindle their love for football whilst getting them out of the house, keeping them active and increasing their physical activity levels.

The benefits:

Physical Health Benefits

As people get older, they may face problems with their balance, strength, fitness and sometimes weight loss or gain too. These things can not only affect people physically but mentally too, as well as have an impact on confidence and self-esteem.

Commitment to regular Walking Football can over time bring improvements to resting heart rates as well as hypertension, natural strength,

overall mobility, and weight loss. Thanks to its slower pace and minimal contact, the risk of injury is greatly reduced in the process.

Mental Health Benefits

There are several psychological and mental health benefits of Walking Football, from building people’s confidence to giving them a platform to meet new people and avoiding feelings of isolation and loneliness. It can also boost personal reward and satisfaction while reducing stress.

Social Benefits

Our Walking Football sessions provide the opportunity for the isolated sector of the community to get involved in something they could enjoy whilst also meeting new people, creating new relationships with people with similar interests and boosting their overall quality of life.

Dave Marsland, Community Engagement Officer, who runs our Walking Football sessions said,

“The physical aspects of the session are really important to keep local people fit and healthy. It brings so many people together from all different backgrounds to talk about similar things. I’ve seen so many new people leave with smiles on their faces knowing they have made new connections with new people.

One of the best things is watching participants scoring a goal or making a great save and just seeing their faces. It brings back old memories for them from when they were younger. Now with the addition of the well-being hub after the session, it allows people to properly talk.”


Neil, a current Walking Football participant said,

“I benefit from walking football as it’s a great social outlet. We have banter, fun and a great laugh too and it’s all played in the right way. It’s a great way to continue playing football and is fantastic for fitness. I always enjoy seeing new players join us too!”

We currently run three different Walking Football sessions throughout the week with one taking place every Monday at Stanley Park from 10:30 am to 11:30 am), another every Thursday at Stanley Park from 4pm to 5pm, and the final one every Friday at Lytham YMCA from 11am to 12pm. Each session costs £4 to attend.

Thanks to funding from Assura Community Fund, after our Thursday session, we hold a wellbeing hub, giving participants the chance to get together with a brew and a biscuit and have a laugh with their friends.

If you want to become involved in our Walking Football sessions, please contact for more information or visit our website to find out what else Blackpool FC Community Trust can offer: