Blackpool FC Community Trust have just completed their first age 25+ Traineeship programme. The Trust is one of only eight in the country to trial the course aimed at unemployed women, aged 25+.
We set a high standard with this pilot scheme and it has been a very positive experience for the students and staff. The majority of learners have progressed to employment or secured a place in pre-employment with a local business.

As part of the course all participants were enrolled to Functional Skills English and Maths. Many of the learners had initial fears and felt apprehensive studying subjects they had not looked at since attending school. Every student was surprised by the interactive and fun methods used and found themselves developing skills they can utilise at work and in their personal lives.
“I always hated maths at school but now that I am at BFCCT I am learning new skills and enjoying the subject. Now I can help my son with is maths homework.” – Natalie McDonagh – 26.
This represents a massive personal achievement for the learners and has been one of the unintended high points of the course. Every learner who completed the course has passed Functional Skills English and Maths.
Alongside Functional skills, students gained qualifications in a range of employability skills. These included Basic Digital Skills, Customer Service Skills, CV and cover letter writing and First Aid at Work. As the traineeship is a pilot the learners have had a lot of say into the structure and content of the course.
The core element of the course are the work placements, leaners attend a work placement one day a week. The learners had a choice of a wide range of employers who work with the Community Trust. All learners found the work placement to be a very positive experience where they have had the chance to learn new skills and develop existing employability skills.
The course has developed the trainees’ confidence and social skills alongside their academic and employability skills. The social aspect of the course has been instrumental in its success as a pilot. The trainees are welcomed each day with tea and toast. Breakfast time opened opportunities for the group to get to know one another outside of the classroom setting. The group have formed close friendships and are staying in contact with each other after the course.
The next wave of traineeship students, referred by the Job Centre, will be the first to utilise our new Education and Community Centre purpose built to accommodate all of our education provision. As an incentive learners on the traineeship earn Time Credits for each day they attend their placement to visit attractions and sports centres across the country. The next programme will start on 9thSeptember 2019, and will run for eight weeks.
Blackpool FC Community Trust also deliver a Traineeship course for 18 – 24 year olds who are not in education, employment or training.
For more information please call: 01253 348 691 or follow us on social media.