At the beginning of March, we were due to launch our brand new Community Cohesion strand. However, due to COVID and lockdown, this unfortunately had to be delayed.
Over the summer we were proud to officially launch this strand of work, adding even more programmes to provide positive pathways for individuals. All these programmes aim to support young people and adults who are involved in and/or are at risk of becoming involved in anti-social behaviour and crime.
We aim to use the power of sport alongside 1:1 mentoring from our staff, who act as positive role models to provide positive pathways for individuals, discouraging them from making negative choices. You can read about all our brand new programmes below:


DIVERT is a custody intervention programme which aims to reduce reoffending and forms part of the Lancashire Violence Reduction Network. It is aimed at 18-25-year-olds who find themselves in police custody for committing a violent crime. Following release, individuals who consent to engage with DIVERT are given positive motivation for change through the support of our Custody Intervention Coach. This includes helping individuals to access community-based services and activities which promote personal development and progression into employment, education or training.
Our Custody Intervention Coach is NOT a police officer and all conversations are completely confidential. DIVERT is voluntary and the decision to engage with the programme is up to the young adult. The programme is independent of the current police investigation and any subsequent criminal charges.
Our online mentoring offer is aimed at 10-16 year olds who are at risk of becoming involved in anti-social behaviour and/or crime. Young people can access their online mentoring sessions via their preferred platform which includes XBOX, PlayStation 4 or a video call. All 1:1 sessions take place with our BFCCT Digital Youth Engagement Officer.

Sports gaming such as FIFA and other sports based online activities will form part of 1:1 mentoring sessions. This approach will act as a hook to engage young people, allowing them to build confidence, talk about any issues or challenges they may face and provide a way to positively foster their interests and talents in a safe environment. By engaging in our Online Mentoring provision, it is hoped that young people will change their attitudes towards anti-social behaviour and go on to access positive provisions that will continue to improve their personal development.
Our Online Mentoring provision has been developed due to funding from the Youth Endowment Fund. The aims are to identify how young people who are at risk of offending can be supported via online/digital platforms and support.

Tower Above is a preventative programme working together with Blackpool Families in Need, aimed at 8-12-year-olds who are at risk of becoming involved in anti-social behaviour or crime. Young people are assigned a 1:1 mentor (Youth Engagement Officer) with whom they co-design a personal development plan. Sport and physical activity are used as a hook to engage individuals in constructive activities, away from disruptive peers/influences and making bad choices.
Sport and physical activity will form part of 1:1 mentoring sessions, allowing young people to build confidence, talk about any issues or challenges they may face and provide a way to positively foster their interests and talents. By engaging with Tower Above, it is the hope that young people will change their attitudes towards anti-social behaviour and access positive provisions that will continue to improve their personal development.
Funding contributions come from the Premier League Charitable Fund, Blackpool Council and Revoelution. The funding from Revoelution will see us work with a percentage of young people in the Revoe area to improve outcomes for them and their community.
United Together is a partnership between Active Lancashire, the Community Rehabilitation Company (CRC) and the Trust which establishes reintegration pathways into the diverse provision across the whole Blackpool FC Community Trust (BFCCT) offer. CRC staff refer into the United Together programme, where the Active Lancashire team meet with individuals to discuss the various support available to them. If BFCCT is relevant, we support individuals on a 1:1 mentoring basis into existing programmes, e.g. community sports sessions or enrolment onto Traineeships.
Working together, individuals have a tailored plan that the participant and mentor will work on together, which in addition to encouraging sport and physical activity, will reduce reoffending and consider future employment goals, identifying training and work experience needs.

Funded by Lancashire Police & Crime Commissioner, our Boxercise provision is an offender only programme that aims to support adults who have a history of offending. By taking part in 1:1 boxing based exercises, alongside learning about the principles of boxing, our work aims to rehabilitate participants and break the cycle of reoffending.
We aim to support all Boxercise participants with their transition into other community based activities and support them into taking a more positive path in life, moving away from negative choices and disruptive peers.
We currently accept referrals from the following services:
- United Together
- National Probation Service