Move Play Grow Packs

Due to the ongoing disruption from the COVID 19 outbreak our FREE Move, Play, Grow nursery sessions were unable to be delivered in person so our Early Years Health Officer Zoe has created specialist resources packs. All the nurseries that were due to have sessions delivered this half term have now received their packs to deliver the programme at their own speed over the next few weeks.

These packs are full of all the activities and information needed for the nursery practitioner to deliver their own mini version of the programme, until such time that one of our specialist team can attend the nursery.

The Move, Play, Grow project, in partnership with Better Start Blackpool, is designed for Pre-school children in nurseries across Blackpool and covers topics such as oral health, physical activity, healthy and unhealthy foods and the importance of limiting sugar intake.  Topics are covered via fun, interactive activities, and games.

If you would like to arrange for Move, Play, Grow to be delivered in your nursery setting please contact our Health Education Manager Rosie on: 01253 348691