Our NCS Youth Board is designed to create an opportunity for any Graduates, of any programme, to come back together with the aim of giving back. This will be done through a variety of channels from social action projects within the community to holding fundraisers, being involved with NCS match days as well as being a massive part of the recruitment process and showing other young people of the local community, what NCS is all about.
Our first meeting gave any previous graduates the chance to come together to show their interest in our extension phase programme. Since then, they have been given various projects and opportunities to meet with new people of the community, promote our NCS Summer programme to other young people within the community and help the Community Trust to gather data from the Blackpool community for a Youth project they are currently running .
Our main aim is to open up various avenues and opportunities not only to our past graduates but to the wider community of Blackpool.
If you are interested in getting involved with NCS you can read more here.