CEO: Getting Blackpool's young people active over the Summer

This week has been really busy and has led to us being able to now bring the vast majority of our team back into work with the rest returning in August. This is a huge achievement for the charity and has been made possible through funding applications and support from partners to deliver programmes over the next six weeks.

The first major programme we will deliver is Blackpool’s Summer of Fun in partnership with Blackpool Council, Blackpool Opportunity Area and local third party organisations.

For us this includes a host of activities, including physical activity, small group games and individual challenges, and includes a healthy lunch.

In the first instance the programme is for families who normally receive free school meals and for the families of key workers. We are delivering across three sites for three days a week in addition to a number of community based sessions throughout the week at Stanley Park, Palatine Sports Centre, Moor Park Leisure Centre and @the Grange Community Centre.

All this provision is free of charge to attend and we are following government guidance of strict group bubbles and physical distances at all times.

The team have worked really hard to develop the provision and whilst it’s a little bit different to our usual offer, it gives us a great opportunity to still support some of our community and to get staff back into a routine of delivering great sessions.

Our three school based camps are already full, but there are spaces still available for the community sessions and also on the Active Blackpool activities, so please click Facebook for Blackpool Summer of Fun to find out how to book onto sessions.

We also have our Inclusion Camp taking place, for families from Wyre and Fylde who have children with disabilities. This is supported by Lancashire County Council, hence the target audience, and will be delivered from our new community facilities at Bloomfield Road. This will support approximately twenty young people, through the summer and will include lots of different activities.

Finally, we are finishing the final touches for the relaunch of our PL Kicks programme, which will see our coaches back in local parks and community settings, delivering football and other positive activities for our most at risk young people. This will begin in August and will see a summer plan delivered, whilst we develop our Autumn and timetable, which we hope will look closer to our normal activity.

For more information about anything included in this article please call us on 01253 348691