We offer 1:1 mentoring to young people aged 11-16 within a High School setting. Each week students work with their BFCCT mentor to build their resilience, confidence, and self-esteem. Mentors help pupils to cope with stress and implement strategies in how to overcome difficulties they may face in their lives. They also act as a facilitator within sessions, encouraging pupils to practise their talents whilst signposting them to develop their skills at further provision available in the community. Each mentee will have the opportunity to work through a Personal Development Plan which enables them and their mentor to use as a tool for success. PDP’s can be found in our mentoring booklet along with many other theme’s and topics to support pupils in reaching more positive outcomes which can create strong habits for life.
A Y11 Pupil, Montgomery Academy said;
‘“I look forward to being in school on a Tuesday, knowing there’s somebody there to talk to about things I can’t with my parents or my mates. I can speak about anything/everything and feel comfortable knowing it’s confidential.”
High School Hubs
The High School Hub programme is made up of three core programmes which are highlighted below. They provide further support to pupils in Blackpool schools alongside their academic pathways.