Meet Our Participants

“Before attending the Blackpool FC Community Trust’s traineeship programme I was having problems trying to gain employment.  Having just left college I had qualifications but no work experience and at this stage I was unsure on how to get work experience and the necessary reference to help me.  I was lacking in confidence and was worried about getting a job straight away, never having worked in retail or dealing customers.

As part of the programme I undertook a work placement at Toyland, this gave me the opportunity to experience working in retail which I felt  would be useful to me in the future.  At Toyland I didn’t feel alone, there were other people on work placement which also included people from the traineeship programme. This placement allowed me to gain skills including pricing items, dealing with stock, deliveries and customer service.”

“Throughout the traineeship course I have improved in my confidence and feel the work experience at Toyland will help me with future employment. The tutors delivering the course are there to support you, they check on how well you are getting on at the work placement and half way through the course was asked if I wanted to pursue a career in retail. My answer to this was no, I had an interest in media and after the traineeship course I planned on going back into further or higher education to study media.  Because of this I have been given the opportunity to get involved with the media side of both Blackpool FC and the Community Trust to give me an insight how both these organisation use the media.

The Blackpool FC Community Trust traineeship programme doesn’t just help with work experience but helps improve grades in Maths and English as well as First aid and employability qualifications which all help improve your CV and make you more employable.”

– Written by Jasmine who took part in our Traineeship programme.

To find out more about our next courses, including our NEW over 25’s course, please get in touch.